My friend: we don’t hate you, your wife and son don’t either, but you’re in a spiral where you want to think they do bc, if they did, it would match how you feel about yourself. Shrink talk here, but those guys are right a bunch of the time. Been there. You know what the big piece is, though? *you* have the key, the power to control how they see you and how you see you. Stop the booze, the self-destruction. Now. If you got here by belonging to a program, go to a meeting. Now. If you have a therapist, call him/her. Now. I love you. Now.

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You're a good rhymer / but I'll tell you what / your family they love you / you're just in a rut / When you feel this way / it feel so real / but feelings change / revolve like a wheel. xo

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